Sales Development

Jonathan Warrey

Sales Development

A culture driven by performance and the ability to make a difference in the community led Jonathan Warrey to join Marco in 1996. Today, with his role in Sales Development, Jonathan combines his extensive sales and service experience to help drive Marco’s continued growth and impact.

Jonathan started as a sales representative, after graduating from University of North Dakota, and quickly earned leadership roles in sales management. He became Vice President of Sales in 2012 and was COO from 2014-2021.

An idealist at heart, he sees what can be and then enjoys bringing people together to achieve big outcomes. Over the years, Jonathan has been instrumental in helping shape Marco’s growth and creating a place where people love to come to work and do business. Inside Marco, he’s known for intentionally coming alongside team members to connect, support and provide coaching to help them grow and build careers. He brings a spirited laugh, sense of humor and calm, thoughtful demeanor to his work every day.

When he’s not at Marco, you can find him fully investing in his community and family. He’s particularly passionate about the Jeremiah Program, a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing poverty two generations at a time, and the community of Casselton, North Dakota. He enjoys spending time at the lake, playing the drums, reading about history, watching all sports, and traveling with his wife and two adult children.

He has received a series of honors over the years, but his favorite remains the “World's Best Dad” Dwight Schrute statue given to him by his kids. They’re big fans of the show, The Office.


Degree in marketing from University of North Dakota, 1996


  • University of North Dakota Young Alumni Achievement Award

  • Junior Achievement International Service Award

  • Heartland Technology Group Go-Giver Award

  • World's Best Dad Dwight Schrute statue given to him by his kids

Community Involvement

Marco Board Member, Casselton Park Board President, Board of Trustees for Jeremiah Program of Fargo-Moorhead, UND College of Business Advisory Council Member, Casselton Economic Development Committee.

Joined Marco

