Critical HP Universal Print Driver Vulnerability — Update Immediately
HP has disclosed a high-severity vulnerability (HPSBPI03995) in its Universal Print Driver (UPD) for Windows, affec…
The ROI of Secure Printing for Law Firms
If you were to walk through your office right now, is there a chance that you might see any sensitive documents lef…
What You Should Know About Windows Protected Print Mode
Windows 11 version 24H2 includes the release of a new, optional security feature called Windows Protected Print (WP…
Print Security Report Reveals 6 Need-To-Know Stats
Watch out – Quocira’s annual report on the state of print security is out, and it is a stark reminder of the work n…
Why Do Print Assessments for Managed Print Programs?
Any managed print provider worth their salt will want to do an initial print assessment before they propose any cha…
How Managed Print Helps With Regulation and Standards Compliance
To put it bluntly, regulatory agencies are no longer playing around. Failure to comply can result in increasingly h…
How To Improve Print Security
Go with me here: you know how most people have a fear of sharks, but not hippos, even though hippos are far deadlie…
Why You Should Invest in Email Protection
In films, cybercriminals are primarily depicted as some sort of genius-level keyboard ninjas, feverishly typing awa…
The Many Benefits of Managed Print for Healthcare
Healthcare organizations may always need to generate a significant amount of printed material. But the cost of all …