Deadline Extended, but Still Approaching, for the Revised FTC Safeguards Rule
In 1999 Congress passed the Gramm-Leach-Billey Act (GBLA) to protect consumer privacy and financial data and outlaw…
Managed Print Services Are Not All the Same
Demand for managed print services has skyrocketed in recent years as more organizations find out just how much time…
How Cybercriminals Are Bypassing Multi-Factor Authentication
In addition to using strong and unique passwords, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is vital to maintaining account…
How To Protect Your Business From Toner Pirates and Other Scams
As cyberattacks continue to skyrocket, organizations around the world have been focusing on improving their cyberse…
OCR Director Urges Healthcare Providers To Strengthen Cybersecurity
Cyberattacks and IT incidents haverisen sharply in 2021, and if the first few months of 2022 are any indication, cy…
Network Printer Security
When most people think about cybersecurity, they tend to think about every device that's connected to the internet …
How To Navigate Gmail Changes Affecting Scan To Email Functionality
Google has announced that as of May 30th, 2022, it will disable control over Less Secure Apps on free Gmail account…
Honor Your Privacy & Confidentiality Policies With Print Security
Sharing printers is much more cost-effective than supplying a personal printer for each of your employees. Unfortun…
Microsoft Vulnerability ‘PrintNightmare’ Remediation Recommendation Notice
0-Day Critical Vulnerability: PrintNightmare Exposes Windows Servers, Requires Additional Action To Remediate Updat…