Buy a Business Phone System in Two Steps with Cooperative Contracts
The request for proposal, or RFP, process probably feels like a thorn in the side for most purchasing managers and …
4 Facts about Managed Firewall
The basic purpose of a firewall is to keep the bad stuff out and the good stuff in. While it does get a little more…
4 Ways UCaaS Increases Collaboration in Your Organization
In the not too distant past, collaboration in your organization probably came in one form: an in-person meeting. Ev…
We’re Building Factories. Should You?
We’re building factories. While that’s a sentence I never expected to say as Chief Technology Officer of Marco, it’…
A Futuristic Notebook Is Here
I have piles upon piles of notepads of my handwritten notes filed in my desk drawer. Some of them date back quite f…
4 Errors to Look For on Your Next Telecom Services Bill
Ahh, your trusty telecommunications bill. You can count on these to arrive every month, without fail. What do you t…
11 Easy Steps From Sourcewell Membership to Satisfied Competitive Solicitation
As a school district administrator or city purchasing official, you are likely familiar with the request-for-propos…
Managed Print Solutions for Education: Hudson School District
Managed Print Services solutions aren't just for businesses. Other organizations looking to streamline printing, wh…
Case Study: How LinkedIn has Helped Marco's Business Communication Efforts
You may or may not have noticed, but here at Marco, we're pretty big on communication. Whether we're working with o…