Cloud-Based Video Surveillance: Myth vs. Fact

By: Dan Olk
September 24, 2024

I love that television shows have featured modern video surveillance systems in their plot lines! I actually wish every security feature got the same buzz because quite a few businesses would benefit from being able to catch and fix recurring safety, culture, or theft issues earlier than later. But as often happens, when Hollywood writers feature a real-world tool, sometimes they take a few liberties here and there. 

Don’t get me wrong — modern cloud surveillance systems are incredible and offer a number of benefits to businesses large and small. But I’ve noticed when I talk to clients that a few myths have sprung up about them that I’d like to clear up. Starting with this one… 

Myth # 1: Cloud-Based Video Monitoring Systems Are More Expensive

Myths vs facts surrounding cloud surveillance systems for business, depicted in a comic book style.

Cloud systems, like any new surveillance system, will involve some initial setup costs. But even though they’re more high-tech in many ways, cloud-based systems tend to cost less, especially over the long haul. 

Why The Cost Myth Is Totally Busted

Here’s how cloud solutions save you more over time: 

  • You can eliminate a lot of expensive hardware and software
  • By eliminating hardware, you also eliminate a lot of maintenance
  • You can scale up your security as you need it 
  • All of the data transfer and storage costs are included in your subscription
  • Your system will be upgraded automatically

Myth #2: Cloud Surveillance Systems Are Less Secure

Two comic book heroes depict on-premise vs. cloud security solutions.

A lot of people have concerns about storing their data in the cloud. But it’s important to remember that on-premises storage isn’t foolproof. The cloud can be a very secure place, but you have to know how to use it. 

Why This Digital Security Myth Is Overstated

Cloud providers understand that their ability to secure their systems is tied to their ultimate success as a business. For the most part, they’ve gone above and beyond to provide all of the security features you’ll need to protect your data. What tends to happen is that customers don’t understand their own responsibilities and, therefore, don’t use these tools properly. 

Here’s what you should look for in a provider: 

  • End-to-end encryption
  • Regular security audits and compliance certifications
  • Data redundancy and the ability to recover from a loss quickly 

If your provider’s doing their part, you also need to do yours. And that means requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) to access any critical accounts and data. It only takes a few seconds and can stop 99.9% of cyberattacks. It’s a simple, basic precaution, and the reason you keep hearing stories about cloud data getting hacked is that too many organizations are still not doing this. 

Myth #3: Cloud-Based Systems Have Limited Functionality

A comic book-style female employee explains to her colleagues that cloud security providers have come a long way.

I can understand why this myth is persistent, especially among IT folks. On-premises systems allow you to customize their software a great deal, and early versions of cloud-based systems really didn’t. 

Why This No Longer Holds Up 

Cloud providers got the memo that their software wasn’t cutting it — especially for larger businesses with unique needs. So they made some updates. And the great thing about cloud-based software is you can benefit from those updates almost instantaneously. 

Of course, some cloud providers have stepped up more than others. So if flexibility and additional capabilities are important to you, here’s what to look for: 

  • AI-powered analytics that can detect threats in real-time
  • More integrations with other cloud-based software and physical security tools
  • The ability to easily access your systems and footage from anywhere
  • Unlimited storage capacity

Myth #4: Cloud Surveillance Is Difficult To Implement

If you already have an on-premises system, it can be intimidating to think about replacing it entirely. But good news — you probably don’t have to. 

Why This Myth Is Toast

Common cloud security myths are toast in 2024, as technological advancements have been made to address previous weaknesses.

First of all, even if you already have an on-premises security system, many cloud surveillance systems can be incorporated into what you already have. And you can expect the initial implementation to take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days, whereas a physical system can take months. 

And while not every cloud tool is the same, most of them have made their tools incredibly intuitive and easy-to-use. And many will also offer any additional training  your team may need. Is that what you got from your last system? Probably not. 

Why We’ve Partnered With Avigilon for Cost-Effective Video Monitoring Solutions

Because the relationship we have with our clients isn’t transactional, we try to partner with equipment manufacturers and software providers that tend to make businesses happier over time. 

Incidentally, one of the few “complaints” we’ve seen about Avigilon’s digital footage is that the quality is so good that it takes up more space if you download it. That’s a funny complaint because we’ve found that one of the top frustrations businesses have is footage that isn’t actually helpful because they can’t see important details. If you ask me, there’s not much point in gathering footage that isn’t actually useful. 

Avigilon also gets high marks for its ease of use, and we love that our clients feel like they can make the most of their new system right away. 

And if you’re wondering why we’re telling you all of this, it’s because if you’re in the market for an upgrade, we can help you save more money and make your next steps easy. 

Click the link below to check out our cloud surveillance page! 

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Topics: Security