Just about anyone in IT is going to regularly bump up against two major initiatives: security and end-user experience. As a business, you want to keep your information safe, and you want to ensure all of your end users have the tools, resources
Security Initiatives
HP invests in security, and as a result, they’re currently providing the world’s most secure print devices. Security is a big issue, especially in today’s environment. Hackers and malicious software grow in numbers and ability every day, and businesses are realizing the true danger of staying unprotected.
In recent years, print devices have served as an access point for hackers to enter a private network. Even with security measures in place elsewhere, these devices remained vulnerable. And as HP’s newest ads remind us, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
HP print devices have the ability to print securely. They’re built to constantly monitor your network for suspicious activity, check firmware and prevent the spread of malicious code. In other words, HP print technology is built for safety and security.
End-User Support
In addition to security, HP’s national footprint can also help businesses achieve their initiatives. Wherever your business is located, the odds are good that you’re going to be within the range of qualified service providers who understand HP print devices.
While other brands can quickly be ordered and delivered to your location, what about meeting your post-purchase needs? Knowing that your HP printers can be supported anywhere in the country eliminates many of the issues of working with off-brand print devices.
Choosing HP Print Technology
When businesses choose HP print technology, they’re not just picking a print device. They’re selecting a brand. HP is a brand that’s trusted by IT professionals, and it’s a brand that can be supported anywhere in the country. Many businesses that value security and reliability in their print devices choose HP.