Is Your School Prepared to Support Mobile Classrooms? [Infographic]

By: Clay Ostlund
March 7, 2016

Today's technology is beginning to surface in classrooms and education environments. Rather than investing in the hard copies of books every couple of years, many schools are handing out tablets to their students. Mobility is the future - is your school prepared to support this shift to enhanced digital education? 


Benefits of Mobile Classrooms

Mobile classrooms offer many advantages over traditional environments; take a look: 



The Cost to Transition

In many cases, this shift requires an enhancement of IT infrastructure in order to support all of the devices and computing opportunities. Which costs money. But, there are programs in place and opportunities available to assist with these costs and make technology upgrades like this possible. For instance, the FCC adopted a plan that focuses on expanding funding for Wi-Fi networks in elementary and secondary schools and libraries across America. 


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