Print Cost Control Made Easy

By: Amy Lindgren
October 14, 2024

If you take nothing away from the rest of this blog, I wish every business owner knew about these stats: Two-thirds of companies aren’t tracking their print costs at all, yet print costs are often a business’s third highest expense after payroll and rent. 

In the past, print costs have proven pretty difficult to track, but that’s no longer the case. A variety of print management software is now available, and one of the many things these tools can do is help you see where your print dollars are going. 

How To Analyze Office Printing Habits


Print tracking software can be securely installed on a print server or network PC to help determine if your organization’s printing needs are being handled efficiently and cost-effectively. 

It can be useful in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to the following:

  • You are unsure of what your printing costs are
  • You’d like to determine if your printing costs could be reduced
  • You’d like to identify and eliminate inefficiencies while streamlining print workflow

What Does Print Management Software Actually Do? 

There’s a variety of print management software out there. But print tracking software like PaperCut offers a range of features to help organizations manage and optimize their printing environment. 

Here are some common capabilities:

  • Print monitoring and reporting on print jobs organization-wide to analyze printing patterns and costs 
  • Requiring users to authenticate themselves at the device, typically through an ID card or PIN 
  • Setting print quotas for users or departments 
  • Enforcing print policies like duplex or black-and-white printing 
  • Redirecting print jobs to more cost-effective devices 
  • Enabling mobile printing 
  • Facilitating charge-backs to specific users, departments, or accounts
  • Calculating the environmental impact of an organization’s printing
  • Managing print queues across multiple servers and locations
  • Tracking printer status, supply levels, and maintenance needs 

What Print Tracking Software Like PaperCut Can Reveal


Over 90% of companies do not know how many printers they own, how much they print, or who is doing the printing. If your print environment is complex, tracking all of that would be a mammoth task for a human being to do. But print management software can track the make, model, print volume, supply usage, and locations of all printers within your fleet.

Typically, print tracking software is installed on a network, then it collects information for a set number of days (5, 10, 30, etc.) to start painting a picture of your organization's typical printing habits. Over time, you’ll know exactly where your print dollars are really going, which departments have higher printing needs than others, and where your best opportunities are to save money. 

Opportunities for Improvement


Here’s where we frequently see the opportunities for huge improvement in most businesses:

1. Supply Usage

Inefficient supply usage is one of the most costly printing expenses. From unnecessary printing (volume and color) to ineffective inventory control, printing supply costs can easily escalate.

2. Printer Placement

Although an unusual opportunity for improvement, the placement of your printing equipment can affect workflow and productivity. It is important for machines to be placed throughout your office to support the printing needs of your employees. The machines should be placed nearest to those who use them most frequently, but outside of the main work areas so it isn’t a distraction.

3. Print Equipment Efficiency

Devices that are at the end of their life, or lack the necessary features to support office productivity, should be replaced or moved to lower print demand areas. Whether it’s the cost of supplies or maintenance frequency, they are costing you money or a loss in productivity.

4. Printer Fleet Right-Sizing

We find that most organizations have an unnecessary amount of printers. Not every business has the same printing needs, but the most efficient ratio is typically one device for every ten employees!

5. Sustainability

Paper represents about 26% of total waste in landfills! Plus, not only does paper production contribute to deforestation, but it also consumes a vast amount of energy and water and contributes to air pollution. 

Fortunately, printing is one of the rare instances where going green can also save you time and money! Being able to quantify your company’s sustainability can also help you appeal to more buyers. Incidentally, one area where print sustainability can really give you a competitive advantage is in higher education

The Easiest Way To Implement Print Cost Reduction Strategies

Print tracking software can be installed within any business, but working with a provider can make the process easier and the results more impactful. They will assist you with installation, data analysis, and developing the best print policies and initiatives based on your organization's data. They can also recommend the proper equipment, effective placement throughout your office, and maintenance and support to continually keep your print costs under control.

When done well, managed print services can help pay for itself, while also reducing workplace frustration and improving productivity. But when it’s done very well, it can also help you increase security organization-wide. 

Interested in doing a deeper dive into print management software options? Click the link below to learn more! 

Explore Secure Print Software and Driver Management Learn More

Topics: Managed Print Services