What Should You Consider Before Migrating to the Cloud?
It’s amazing how fast people have embraced the cloud. Five years ago, if you were to mention a cloud solution to ma…
How Much Are Your Legacy IT Systems Costing You?
These past few years have been hard on many small to medium-sized businesses, and while many new tools have already…
5 Questions To Ask a Cloud Migration Provider
So… you’re considering making the move to the cloud. Congratulations! A whole lot of things tend to get easier once…
Cloud Computing Basics
Cloud computing is quickly becoming the new normal, and for good reason. It can save you serious money, it allows y…
Data Center Trends for 2024 and Beyond
You’re reading a technology blog to get a few quick answers. You happen to look at the publication date, and it’s f…
Cloud Computing Migration — What Not To Do
Being in the cloud makes a lot of things easier. But getting there can be a different story. Any time your data is …
Cloud vs. On-Premises Communications [Infographic]
Even though there are a wealth of blogs online titled, “The best communication solution for businesses,” there’s re…
3 Scenarios That Benefit From Cloud Computing
While I’m not asking anyone to thank COVID, business technology did take a huge leap forward because of it. Organiz…
The Pros and Cons of Subscription Based Software
Remember when software was a one-time buy, and you installed it through a CD drive? Good times. Now, software typic…