3 Cloud Computing Basics: How to Buy, Location of Hardware & Semantics
As cloud computing becomes more prominent in the IT industry, the concept is becoming more confusing, rather than c…
How Cloud Service Providers Enhance Your Cloud Computing Experience
The cloud has been around a long time, but recently there has been an increase in business’s urgency to move to the…
The Role Cloud Service Providers Play in a Private Cloud Environment
Well designed private cloud environments allow businesses to experience better security and increased reliability. …
Featured Cloud Collaboration Tool: Microsoft's OneDrive for Business
Today’s workforce is comprised of employees that work from various locations. Collaboration tools make it easier fo…
Your One-Stop-Shop for Resources Explaining Cloud Computing Basics
In this blog you will find a selection of articles that clarify some of the cloud computing basics, such as storage…
How to Select the Best Cloud Computing Provider from a Crowded Field
The concept of cloud computing began as a buzzword just a few years ago, but has now become an accepted industry te…
What Role Do Technology Providers Play in Cloud Computing?
Not long ago, cloud computing was little more than a buzzword. The concept of the cloud has existed for at least tw…
Google Drive vs Dropbox: How These Cloud Storage Services Stack Up
Major tech companies are battling to provide consumers and business clients with the best cloud storage services av…
7 Myths, Truths and Benefits of Cloud Computing [Infographic]
There are many myths that exist related to cloud computing, in part due to the complexity and confusion that evolve…