Have You Experienced These RFP Process Frustrations?
For government, education and non-profit organizations everywhere, the RFP process is a necessary hurdle for making…
Myth: Updating Business Communication Tools is Too Painful
One of the biggest hurdles that seems to keep businesses away from implementing a modern, feature-rich communicatio…
Simplify in 2018: Consolidate Business Vendors with UCaaS
There are a lot of benefits to UCaaS: making business communication seamless, enabling employees to work from anywh…
Which Business Phone Solution is Right for My Government Agency?
Government agencies face difficult management and administrative tasks on a daily basis. And when it comes to a ser…
Your Business Communication System Cheat Sheet - Find the Perfect Solution
If you thought that getting a new phone system would be a breeze — a simple case of counting your employees and get…
Today's Business Phone Systems Aren’t One-Size-Fits-All
When it comes to your business, there are certain things that set your company and its workforce apart from the com…
Video Conferencing Is Going Mainstream: Are You Ready?
In the early days of video conferencing, it was a "cool" new technology used by very large companies. Then the iPho…
6 Capabilities Making UCaaS Contact Center a Must-Have Feature
One aspect that makes Unified Communications great for businesses is its many integrated features. Altogether, thes…
Does Your Voice Assistant Get You?
Are you one of the millions who received a voice assistant last year? I’m not even talking about the voice assistan…