What is MS Lync and How Could My Employees Utilize It?

By: Clay Ostlund
January 14, 2015

For more than two decades now, Microsoft has dominated the landscape when it comes to business software. Windows OS, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint; you name it, Microsoft makes it. Lync is another valuable Microsoft software many businesses are implementing as a communication tool for their employees. Those that do take advantage of Microsoft Lync’s capabilities are very satisfied with the features and functionality it provides their team. But, its benefits can’t be fully realized unless it is well understood by your organization; and, this is true for many businesses.

In this blog you’ll learn everything you need to know about Lync. When you’re done, you’ll have an answer to the question "What is MS Lync?” And, you’ll also know how Lync could be effectively utilized by your employees.

What is MS Lync?

Microsoft Lync is a unified communications platform that was originally developed to replace Windows Messenger. Lync is an enterprise software program that was created for the corporate environment. Unlike Microsoft’s Windows Messenger and Skype, Lync was designed for use in a business environment. A number of Lync’s features make it much more robust than consumer programs and its interoperability allows it to serve as a unified communications platform.

Lync is offered as a desktop application on your employees’ workstations, providing them direct access to a messaging service that connects them with their co-workers. Your employees can send messages, use VoIP to make calls and take advantage of HD video conferencing. Additional capabilities include:

  •          Share files with others during a conversation
  •          Share screens, or applications, during a conversation
  •          Set availability statuses for messaging, chat, VoIP and video conferencing
  •          Audio and web conferencing
  •          Track conversation history (called Persistent Chat)

MS Lync and Unified Communications

Microsoft has integrated Lync functionality into numerous other software programs and offers interoperability that effectively creates a unified communications platform with Lync at the center of operations. Following are four features of Lync that help create a unified communications system for your company:

  1. Mobile Apps: Microsoft developed Lync Mobile for Windows Phone, Android and iOS devices so that your employees can use the service whether they are at their desktop workstation or on the road on their tablet or smartphone. Lync Mobile allows your employees to instant message, place VoIP calls and join a Lync Meeting from anywhere.
  2. Web App: If your employees do not have access to Lync client software or the mobile app, for any reason, they can still access all the features via a web application. Users can access all the features of Lync through the web app on a Windows or Mac OS X web browser on any computer.
  3. Skype: Lync communication features can also be extended to Skype, where users can continue using presence, instant messaging and voice capabilities.
  4. Office 365: Lync is also an available function of Office 365. Microsoft’s hosted Office 365 gives your business an integrated platform with Exchange for email and SharePoint for file management. With Lync integrated, a complete unified communications system is established that offers your team a full spectrum of productivity tools.

Using MS Lync

Your employees can utilize Lync to maintain constant, open lines of communication with each other and with clients. Lync offers instant messaging, VoIP calling (both internally and externally) and even HD video conferencing capabilities. With the inclusion of Office 365, you’ll have full integration with email and file sharing platforms that will create an effective unified communications system in your office. For more information on MS Lync, and how your office could benefit from these tools, request to talk to a Marco advisor

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