Considering a Used Device? Here’s When an Old Printer Is Too Old

By: Marco
February 7, 2025

Office printers can be a significant investment, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to save money! 

Buying used printers and copiers can be a great way to save some money, as long as you know a few basics about what you’ll need from your next device and how to make sure you’re getting a good deal — without also getting a big liability. 

How Long Do Printers Last?

Employee testing printer

We used to say that a printer could last over a decade if maintained properly.  Generally speaking, a printer that is used consistently by 5 employees and is serviced every 12 months will likely last longer than one that is used non-stop by 25 employees and has had no maintenance in the last 5 years. Also, high-quality devices tend to last longer and run more efficiently, but will typically be more expensive, especially if you’re purchasing them new. 

It is impossible to give a general recommendation regarding the life of used office printing equipment due to the variants that come into play, such as usage, maintenance, and overall history of the equipment.

However, we can give some more definitive answers to these questions … 

Are Old Printers Worth Keeping?

If a printer is over seven years old, it’s probably costing you more than it’s worth in terms of print supplies, repair, and electricity. 

But an old networked printer could cost you a whole lot more than just some spendy toner and utility bills. 

Because hackers have figured out that printers now run software, have a memory, and are connected to the internet, they are vulnerable to attack unless they’re protected, just like any other smart device. Print security is very important as cyberattacks continue to escalate around the world. 

Print security isn’t entirely a new thing, but print devices that are over 7 years old aren’t usually equipped with the security features that businesses need to protect their systems and data. And if your device’s manufacturer has discontinued its support, it will no longer receive firmware updates, which are essential to protecting it from attacks.

So … Is a 10 Year Old Printer Still Good?

The simple answer? No. Sorry. If it’s connected to your network, you should get rid of it, as it’s going to be a security risk. 

And if it’s just a personal printer, and it’s connected through a cable, then you should probably get rid of it anyway, because by and large personal printers in offices are a really bad idea if you’re trying to save money. 

Do Printers Go Bad if They’re Not Used?

Cleaning clogged printer

If you don’t need to print frequently, you might be better off with a laser printer vs. an inkjet. Inkjet cartridges that aren’t used often can dry up and clog your printheads. 

However, any printer that’s left unmaintained for a long amount of time can potentially develop some performance issues. For example, rollers can develop flat spots if sitting in a fixed position for a long amount of time and moving parts can become stiff. 

What Should You Do With Old Printers

First of all, printers are considered e-waste and should never be thrown in the trash.

Second, printers have a memory! And that means that just like your laptop, they need to be properly decommissioned so no data remains: 

  1. Erase its memory
  2. Perform a factory reset 
  3. Destroy the hard drive (if it has one) to erase any sensitive data that might remain 
  4. Remove any memory or storage that didn’t come with the device
  5. Take it to a secure printer recycling center 

Where Should You Buy Used Office Equipment?

Don't buy used printers from Facebook Marketplace — or any other marketplace — where you have no guarantees about the equipment or how well it’s been maintained. 

Instead, choose a print provider you trust to supply you with used office equipment. For example, at Marco we require our used printers to go through significant refurbishment and maintenance before they are sold. Each printer goes through a rigorous 12-step inspection process, is thoroughly cleaned and all parts are examined and replaced if necessary based on its condition and manufacturer recommendations.

Put your used equipment needs in the hands of the experts. Doing so will ensure you get a quality machine that can perform at your standards and meet your office’s printing needs.

Pro tip: Don’t buy something that is unsupported by the manufacturer (or will be soon).

What Key Features of Used Printing Equipment Should You Look For?

Business owner researching printers.

When you shop around for used office equipment, you should look at many of the same qualities you’d look at when choosing a new printer

Before you buy, make sure you know the following:

  • Is it multifunctional?
  • What would be your cost per page?
  • Does this device meet your needs in terms of image quality and speed? 
  • Does it have special power needs? 
  • Will it be able to provide the finishing options you need? 
  • Can it accommodate the paper sizes you use regularly?
  • How much space would it take up in your office with accessories like finishers and paper decks attached? 
  • Does it have convenient and time-saving capabilities, such as scanning directly to email, automatic stapling, and other advanced finishing capabilities?

Remember - technology is always changing, and while a printer manufactured in the past few years will likely have the abilities you need, it's important to verify.

Additional Tips for Buying Used Printing Equipment

If you find a great used printer that isn’t too old, suits your needs, and is available through a reputable dealer, here’s your final due diligence: 

  • Check to make sure the device still has repair parts readily available, and that technicians in your area can service it 
  • Make sure there aren’t any visible signs of wear and tear, like cracks or rust, and test it to make sure it runs smoothly 
  • Ask questions about the device’s history to get a sense of its “mileage, ” and request a maintenance record
  • If the device has been discontinued, find out how many years it will still be supported (for parts, supplies, and firmware)

A Better Way To Save on Print Costs: Managed Print Services

Buying used equipment is just one way to save, and depending on your office’s printing habits, it might not be the best way. 

One of the reasons managed print services (MPS) have become so popular is that print costs can be very difficult to control and monitor without professional tools and expertise. 

Every provider is different, but if they’ve kept up with the times, they can help you reduce the time and money that your printers waste by: 

  • Automated, just-in-time  supply ordering
  • Remote monitoring to anticipate repair needs and reduce disruptions
  • Creating a customized print-cost reduction plan 
  • Optimizing your print environment 
  • Increasing your print security 
  • Recommending other ways your printers can increase productivity

Best of all, because unmanaged print costs are often a business’s third highest expense after rent and payroll, managed print services can help pay for itself. However, it’s certainly not the best fit for every business. If you’re just in the market for a device that will help you do more with less, click the link below to simplify your search! 

Need Help Finding The Best Printer For Your Business? Use This Helpful Tool

Topics: Copiers & Printers