Managed Print Services (MPS) isn’t an off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all purchase. In fact, each organization we partner with has a custom set of services that align with their needs. Additionally, because the value we offer isn’t focused on a single product or solution, but instead, is centered around making sure we provide long-term satisfaction, making sure we’re a good fit is important to us!
Below, I've outlined the questions I ask potential clients before I’d recommend managed print.
5 Questions To Assess Your Print Fleet Management Needs
None of these questions on its own will necessarily “disqualify” MPS, but your answers can clarify when and how you take action, and the kind of provider you should seek out.
1. Do You Have 5 or More Printers?
If you only have one or two printers, and you have an internal person who is capable of managing and securing them, managed print services might not bring you the biggest financial benefit.
We do have quite a few clients with just a few printing devices that prefer to outsource print management for other reasons — like automated supply ordering, print analytics, and better cybersecurity. However, if your answer to this question was yes, then managing your print environment is going to be labor-intensive, expensive, and time-consuming unless you outsource it.
An MPS provider that has modern print management software will be able to predict when a component is about to fail and dispatch a technician with the correct part before you experience a disruption. And if your provider has kept up with their technology, they should be able to do this regardless of the brand of printer you have.
2. Do You Have A Print Strategy?
Here’s an easy one! If your answer is no, it’s probably time to talk to a print provider.
Most organizations do not take the time to define a print strategy. It’s time-consuming and typically falls low on the priority list. But the costs associated with printing can really add up. Untracked costs related to printing are often a business’s third highest expense after rent and payroll. Cost-controlling measures, like right-sizing your fleet, reducing waste, and making sure the right equipment is used for the right print jobs can yield impressive results.
If you do have a print strategy in place, not only are you ahead of the curve, you already know the value print management is providing your business. But an outside expert’s perspective can often bring even more savings, like optimizing print placement and helping you eliminate secret budget hogs like most personal printers. Plus, shifting your fleet’s management off of your IT team can help them focus on initiatives that are more closely tied to your organization’s strategic initiatives.
3. Do You Know How Much You Spend On Print Costs?
If you don’t know, you’re not alone. And if you think you know, you might be wrong! Your total print costs include a lot more than equipment, service, and supplies.
And what you’re not including — like IT hours devoted to servicing your print equipment — can be a significant hidden expense. An MPS provider will help you identify hidden print costs in an initial print assessment.
So if your answer is no, and researching the answer isn’t on your list of priorities, talk to a provider!
4. Do You Have a History of Outsourcing Support?
If the answer is no, that doesn’t mean managed print is off the table. But it might require thinking through the transition and the timing. Outsourcing is becoming much more prevalent in today's business world, but it still takes some getting used to.
When you outsource support, whether it's for your printers or other products or services, you're effectively relying on external experts to solve problems within your organization. Learning when to use these experts, finding out how heavily you can rely on their service, and building trust and rapport takes time But experienced providers will help make this experience a good one for all involved.
Still, the initial transition phase can be an adjustment for employees who aren't accustomed to using outsourced support. If that’s a concern, talk to your provider about how they can help make the transition easy.
5. Do You Have a Business Initiative in Place To Support the Investment?
Managed print services helps pay for itself over time. But it’s still an initial investment, so you’ll get easier buy-in if it clearly supports one of your organization’s big goals.
If you're researching managed print, it’s usually because you’re trying to cut costs, improve workflows, increase security or sustainability, or reduce a common source of workplace frustration. Those are great goals, and they’re a great fit for managed print.
How To Choose a Managed Print Services (MPS) Provider
Managed print services can be difficult to research online, as no two providers’ MPS offerings will look exactly the same.
Here are just a few insider tips on providers: You’ll often find that print security is often available, but for an additional cost. Additionally, many providers won’t be able to effectively manage certain brands.
And here’s a big one! Some providers incentivize their technicians by the number of on-site visits they provide, which means that unless their technicians don’t care about money, they won’t prioritize preventing disruptions.
I could talk your ear off about this topic, but our print crew got together and wrote a comprehensive guide. Click the link below to simplify the next phase of your research!